Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hello world!

Hello World!!

As a kid I always loved to do crafts. When I took my Home Economics class at junior high I loved when we covered the sewing topics. I was able to do my own tote bag and a dress that I personally designed. Then life continued to happen and I focused all my energies on my studies. Never considered arts as a career. Maybe because the message around me was that arts is for fun and hobbies and not for making a living. So I developed my career based on Sciences and Technology which I so much love to do. But always felt like a little part of me has been missing.

When I started dating my husband he gave me a sewing machine on my first birthday together as a couple. I was so touched I even cried. He told me that he remembered in one of our conversations that I wanted to learn how to sew. Is funny how as an adult I was still feeling that emptiness of having something creative to do in my daily life. After so many years I decided last year that I will learn how to sew my own clothes.

One thing I want you to know about myself, when it comes about learning something new, I need to understand why things are done and where are coming from. I need to understand the methodology, the “why are we doing this”, etc…I have tried to take sewing classes in a school and personalized ones,  but being myself an exempt employee  for an IT Consulting Company is challenging to not to miss some classes. After some time I had to stop taking them. Since then,  I have been trying to learn by myself. So I have been on and off and even though I am so passionate about this, due to different things on my "busy" life, I was not able to commit to stick to a discipline of spending the amount of time needed every week to be able to learn this the right way.

Now, here is this blog!! To share all information I am finding that will be helpful to become an official seamstress (or maybe more! let’s see how it goes). But more important, to help me to keep the commitment I have done with myself.  I hope you can share your experiences and any helpful tips you may have.

Thanks for stopping by!

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